Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Hey all! Yesterday Janna got me the coolest too-prize ever!! Not many people might think so, but if you are a horror buff like me, who loved Saw, you will be green with envy because it is the coolest thing ever...Ok I've kept you in suspence long enough....ready for it?....It's a jigsaw bobblehead!! How cool is that. Well it's not jigsaw actually, its the creepy doll he uses, riding the bike but still so cool! And his head bobs. heehee I LOVE IT!! THANKS JANNA!!!!!

Here are some pictures.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Working Woman!

Hey after a month of searching for a job.....I finally got one! Yeah! I am working at the Wal-Mart Portrait Studio, training to be a photographer, how cool is that?! They even certify you and everything so when I'm done my training I'll have a cool certificate of professional photography! That is just way cool. So finally I can start saving money for PEI!!!!! YES!

Thursday, May 10, 2007


The writers for the hit show "Gilmore Girls" airing on the CW network were shot last night after writing the worst ending to a tv show in the history of all tv show endings.

After seven years of the beloved show, viewers like Jocelyn Hill have become attatched to the characters, laughing with them through the happy moments and crying with them through the sad moments. She has been there watching faithfully, buying all the seasons on DVD and even having a "gilmore girls" day when each season premiere aired.

Through the past three seasons, Jocelyn, among with other viewers have been especially attached to the relationship of Rory and Logan. The rocky road of Luke and Lorelai's relationship have left viewers wanting more, so they turned their attention to the thriving and steady relationship of Rory and Logan. Their relationship was one to be admired, it went through the ups and downs but love always won in the end. They survived long distances and love affairs but always returning to each other. This relationship gave hope to the viewrs and left them happy, thinking one day they will have their own Rory and Logan relationship.

Then after seven years we come to the end of Gilmore Girls. In the second to last episode, Rory and Logan fans everywhere were elated when Logan proposed to Rory on the eve of her graduation from Yale. We were thinking that after three years of the two lovebirds being together they would end the show with them being happy and engaged, the perfect end to the perfect relationship. THEN THE STUPID NO_BRAINED LOSER WRITERS HAD TO WRITE THE STUPIDEST MOST BRAINLESS MOST DIM_WITTED ENDING EVER!!!!!!! They had Rory say No. She handed him back the ring and said she wasn't ready, and the last words that were spoken by Logan were "Bye Rory" and that was it. After three years they ended it like that so stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID!!!!

But after many hours of yelling and crying, we the loyal fans with no life and an overactive imagination have re-written the ending in our minds. She said yes, they moved to San Fransisco and lived happily ever after. so we will live and we will go on in denial thinking this stupid occurence never happened.

But since it did...grab a box of kleenex and watch these two Rory and Logan videos that show the past three years of their relationship. The ups and downs but still love prevails..so let us all forget about the bad times and remember the good times....

The Naked Truth

I have a funny story about Janna.....

Janna and I were walking out of the mall at the same time Janna was leaving a message for mom. She was asking if she would like to come with us to see Fido(which was HILARIOUS by the way....go see it) anyway she said a long, fast message about who knows what in one long breath. After she was done I said
"wow, Janna you did it all in one breath,"
and she responded by saying
"I know I'm like a bare naked lady singing a song!"
This is the part where I started laughing hysterically while Janna was trying to tell me it's not what she meant. I know she meant the group barenaked ladies but still it was pretty funny!

here is the video she was referrring to where they talk really fast in one breath....ENJOY!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I am Still Here!

Hey All, I know I haven't posted anything in a long time, but as the end of my college career is approaching I have been extremely busy. I have two classes left, 1 test and 3 assignments. Then I will officially be a college graduate on April 27th to be exact!!!
So until then i will still be busy so don't expect too much from me, blogging wise until after I am done with my schooling. But I am still here, just busy!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Grad Gift came early!

Dad and I went shopping formy Grad gift on Friday, and we got it! I got a digital SLR Olympus E500 camera with two lenses and an ultra cool sling over your shoulder camera bag. I also got a DVD about everything you need to know about the olympus E500 and I watched it once and didn't get to know anything besides the fact of ho to turn it on. lol! So I guess I will have to watch it a couple more times to actually know how to work all the buttons and bizzillion features it has. (Is that how you spell bazillion I have no idea) Anyway it is ultra cool! I don't have a picture of it yet but when I do I will post it so you can all turn green with envy.. HAHA Just joking anyway tata for now!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Walking away the pounds

Me and mom did exercises this morning. Every morning(except saturday and sunday) we walk away the pounds: the 2 mile walk. WE did it this morning and it caused me to 'glow' Janna said my face looked red and she made fun of me. MEANIE! I don't see her walking away the pounds, she says she runs but whatever, she also claims she saw a blue dung beetle too, weird!